The 9th Voice Festival-Sydney was successfully run with a great variety of performers. The Dreamers were one of the best performance groups. This time, they faced big challenges! If you missed their beautiful performance, please check our YouTube channel.
※The interview was held on the rehearsal day which was 2 weeks before the performance date.
—Hi, please tell me about your group and performance on the 9th Voice Festival-Sydney.
Jenny : Sure, we are called “The Dreamers”. I(Jenny) always use this name as a performer for the voice festival.
Georgette is my old friend. We have been singing together since 2015? Oh, earlier than that! 2010 or 2013!
The first song, we chose this time is a Chinese song, but we translated it into Japanese words. So the song is new for both of us.
The second song is a French song as Georgette is a French speaker and she helps me how to pronounce the song.
Georgette : You helped me how to pronounce Chinese!
Jenny : I arranged both songs as duets. This is a lovely experience to share and sing with my friend. We tried so hard to sing Japanese lyrics, so hopefully our Japanese friends can understand the lyrics.
—At the rehearsal, you also danced.
Jenny : We will be better than today for sure.
We want to thank Hisae who helped to translate Chinese lyrics to Japanese.
Thank to all the Japanese people who helped us, also Akki, Masa, and other voice festival staff who helped us to perform. Everybody was so lovely.
The Dreamers on the stage!
【VF9・Playback】The Dreamers【VF9・Playback】The Dreamersのパフォーマンス動画です。 JennyとGeorgetteの美しいアカペラハーモニーの後は、きらびやかなドレスに早替りした二人が軽快なリズムに乗ってステージを盛り上げました。 ※ VFプロモーションのため、動画配信の許諾をいただいたステージのみ、編集して配信しています。
Posted by ボイスフェスティバル Voice Festival -Sydney on Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Video:Hisae Kato / Plus Voice Creation
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